Who doesn't want their shanty to be a bit savvy, a bit clever, creative, a bit sensible, sharp and ingenious?! But hey, let's face it, most of us are living on a shoestring. Here's how I'm doing it my way, making our nest a Savvy Shanty.

Monday, September 12, 2011


In a recent post, I introduced some of the members of my husbands family; the one's who's genes do not dilute. On our trip home from Jax, we passed a heatrwrenching several  junk treasure stores. Alas, they were all closed due to Labor Day. But fear not friends. I did not come home empty handed. Big Daddy's grandfather knows the key to my heart and it lies in heirlooms, especially family heirlooms. He always lets me pick through his goodies. They all come with a story and are far more valuable than any treasure I could possible find at a store.This time he had something already set aside for me. Talk about swooning! See exhibit A above.
In the backyard had lived a shed which held a 1000 spiders unknown goodies. Said shed was taken out by a very rude limb and had to be hauled off. But out of the shed came this (and a twin) crock. This crock has been in the family for decades and has been the home to uncountable gallons of pickles and kraut. And now it has been given a new home. I don't know that it will ever make another batch of pickles, due to a hairline crack at the top of it, but it will have a place in our  home and special spot in my heart.
Now, to find the perfect spot for it. Too big for the counter. Too small for the front door to hold stuff. Ideas? I'm open to suggestions. Right now it's hanging in the bathroom with magazines but I think I can do better. I open to suggestions, let me know what you think.


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