Who doesn't want their shanty to be a bit savvy, a bit clever, creative, a bit sensible, sharp and ingenious?! But hey, let's face it, most of us are living on a shoestring. Here's how I'm doing it my way, making our nest a Savvy Shanty.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Cool treats for Hot Nights!

Blackberry Lemon Basil Icecream!

So Big Daddy and Miss Priss were out for an evening stroll around the neighborhood and came home with a cup full of blackberries. All excited they requested something yummy made from these little ripe jewels. Well I make a blackberry basil butter for our grilled peaches and figured it would translate well to icecream. Off I went in search of a recipe.

I came across this one featured on http://www.flouronmyface.com/
The link to the recipe link is as follows.

The icecream was scrumptious! Now I will tell you that I only had regular basil and not lemon basil and couldn't find lemon basil at the grocery store and it still turned out yummo!

Sure do love those summer time treats!



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